August 2021
401(k) Allocation
We have some changes.
A slight elevation in volatility and some emerging concerns about the Delta variant of the virus, combined with the end of earnings season that has seen some muted forward guidance, all lead us to take a proactive position of removing some risk in this month’s 401K allocation. To be clear – all our models currently have us fully invested, and this may be some short-term volatility that is nothing more than a blip on the radar. Long term trends – i.e., the Federal Reserve hasn’t stopped printing money or started raising interest rates! – are still in tact and this market should continue to push higher due to the sheer volume of dollars awash in our financial system – but we may see a bit of a pullback and the recent volatility may be the hint that is coming. Given that 401K changes can only occur monthly, we are taking a conservative approach and pulling just a little off of the table at this point. You can always elect to stay the course, make no changes, and check in next month to see if this volatility has persisted.
As always, we are here to answer your questions and help get your 401K accounts rebalanced if you need assistance.
If you have questions, please contact us.
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