April 2020
401(k) Allocation
We are at maximum risk off. This is no different than where we were at the start of March – but you may have decided, as world events unfolded, that even this was not enough for you! If so, move down one (or two) levels of risk until you can sleep at night.
Do we have further to go? The peak of the virus is in front of us still, and once we are past that point we will have to examine what this “scorched earth” approach has done to our global economy. What we can hold onto right now is that governments around the world are responding quickly and in a big way to a big event. We have often said, “don’t fight the Fed” – meaning that when the Federal Reserve is printing money, risk assets like stocks tend to perform well. And there are a lot of good companies that are on sale. The day will come when we can get back to business as usual. It’s just not right this second!
As always, if you have any difficulty in rebalancing your 401K to this grid, please reach out and let us know and we’re happy to guide you through the changes.
If you have questions, please contact us.
To download the April 2020 Newsletter: CLICK HERE
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